Zhen Li

Visiting Student

Visiting Student



Building 5, Level 0, 0874-WS44


I am a Drilling Engineering Ph.D. candidate specializing in machine learning, deep learning, and the prediction, optimization, and control of wellbore trajectories. My research bridges the gap between advanced data-driven techniques and practical applications in the field of intelligent drilling, aiming to enhance operational efficiency and precision.

Research Interests

My research focuses on the prediction, optimization, and control of wellbore trajectories during drilling operations. I employ methodologies such as machine learning, drillstring mechanics, mechanism-data integration, and multi-objective optimization to address these challenges. I am particularly interested in combining advanced data-driven models with physics-based approaches to develop innovative solutions for intelligent drilling systems.

Selected Publications

Integrating Mechanics and Machine Learning for Build-up rate Prediction

Li, Z., Song, X., Yu, Q., Gong, N., Jiang, Z., Zhu, Z., & Zhang, C.

Geoenergy Science and Engineering, 213594, (2024)


Real-Time Prediction of Wellbore Trajectory with a Dual-Input GRU (Di-GRU) Model.

Zhen, L., Xianzhi, S., Zheng, W., Zhenxin, J., Tao, P., & Zhaopeng, Z.

Offshore Technology Conference Asia, (2024), 45(4): 393-403


Intelligent prediction of well trajectory based on dual-input sequence-to-sequence model

LI Zhen, SONG Xianzhi, LI Gensheng, ZHANG Hongning

Oil Drilling & Production Technology, (2023)


Predicting Rate of Penetration Using the Dual Seq2Seq Model

Pan T, Li Z, Zhang C

International Geomechanics Symposium, (2023)



  •  PhD Candidate., Petroleum Engineering, China University of Petroleum (Beijing), Beijing, China, 2025
  •  MS Candidate., Petroleum Engineering, China University of Petroleum (Beijing), Beijing, China, 2022
  •  Bachelor's degree, Petroleum Engineering, China University of Petroleum (Beijing), Beijing, China, 2019

KAUST Affiliations

Research Interests Keywords

Drilling engineering Machine/Deep Learning Trajectory Prediction Optimization Control