PhD Student
PhD student
Building 5, Level 0, 0874-WS31
Combined with the ML/DL approach, my research interest focuses on surrogate modeling to simulate multi-phase fluid flows in energy and petroleum related fields, especially in carbon sequestration and unconventional energy.
The main research interest lies in combining advanced machine learning or deep learning techniques with energy-related surrogate modeling to simulate subsurface multi-phase flow response as accurately and rapidly as possible, especially for carbon sequestration and unconventional energy sources. Moreover, a focus is also placed on the construction of large-scale surrogate models, as well as the integration of surrogate models with optimization algorithms, history matching, and other aspects.
Predicting CO2-EOR and storage in low-permeability reservoirs with deep learning-based surrogate flow models
Meng, S., Fu, Q., Tao, J., Liang, L., & Xu, J.
Geoenergy Science and Engineering, 233, 212467, (2024)
A novel deep learning-based automatic search workflow for CO2 sequestration surrogate flow models
Xu, J., Fu, Q., & Li, H.
Fuel, 354, 129353, (2023)