Visiting Student
Visiting student
Building 5, Level 0, 0874-WS03
I am a Ph.D. candidate in Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering, specializing in reservoir numerical simulation and numerical well-test models. My research aims to evaluate reservoir and fracture parameters using numerical well-test models.
My research focuses on reservoir numerical simulation and numerical well-test methods. I employ the discrete fracture model and the embedded discrete fracture model to address these challenges. I am particularly interested in the pressure and rate transient analysis of unconventional reservoirs and CO₂ sequestration.
A new analytically modified embedded discrete fracture model for pressure transient analysis in fluid flow
B. Zhou, Z. Chen, Z. Song, Z. Tang, B. Wang, O. Olorode
Journal of Hydrology, 636, 131330, (2024)
A three-dimensional numerical well-test model for pressure transient analysis in fractured horizontal wells with secondary fractures
B. Zhou, Z. Chen, X. Zhao, B. Wang, H. Wang, K. Sepehrnoori
Physics of Fluids, 36(4), 046107, (2024)
Pressure transient behaviors for horizontal wells with well interferences, complex fractures and two-phase flow
Z. Chen, B. Zhou, S. Zhang, D. Li, K. Sepehrnoori
Geoenergy Science and Engineering, 227, 211845, (2023)
Pressure transient behaviors of discretely fractured reservoirs using a numerical discrete fracture model
Z. Chen, B. Zhou, S. Zhang, W. Yu
SPE Production & Operations, 37(04), 748-761, (2022)