2023/07 - Professor Bicheng Yan’s Academic Travel in China

01 August, 2023

During July and early August 2023, Prof. Bicheng Yan visited several prestigious geo-energy engineering institutions in China, to promote KAUST among students and faculties there and also introduce DYGM’s recent research work, mainly about deep learning methods and applications in geo-energy management.

During this period, Prof. Yan visited China University of Petroleum (Beijing), China University of Petroleum (Huadong), the Chinese Academy of Science, Tongji University, Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech), Southwestern Petroleum University, Chengdu University of Technology, Xi’an Shiyou University, Qingdao University of Technology.

This travel was quite fruitful, which not only led to several research collaboration with DGYM, but also introduced more visiting students and MS/PhD applicants to apply Energy Resources and Petroleum Engineering Program at KAUST.